Gordon Cunningham

Psychic and Healing Medium

One-to-one psychic readings In the comfort of your own home or online.

£85 per session

Contact Gordon Cunningham

Tel: 0791 44 22 484

Email: gordon@gordoncunningham.co.uke

Spiritual Development and Mediumship

In spiritual development we need to develop strength in ourselves as well as a link to the spirit world. For me, my development group or spiritual circle had always been important and led me to dedicate my life to working as a psychic and healing medium.

Being mindful and relaxed does truly assist us to see much more clearly what is appropriate and what is not. To develop good foundations, a simple understanding of the spirit world and how to interact with it and the reasons why we do it. Meditation and the sense of being grounded are also most important tools we can take on our spiritual path. 

Spiritual Readings

There are many types of spiritual readings, and each one has its unique approach and methodology. The guides cannot see foresee our physical future very far ahead. They can, however, influence our mind, give us thought directives, inspire us, and give us inner strength of purpose. The way the psychic obtains contact with their guide is by the means of attunement. This can be more simple than may at first appear possible, for this is really all that development consists of, plus experience. It is understood that the guide needs to learn how to us the medium, just as the latter has to learn (spiritual growth and development) how to seek attunement with their guide and submit themself to the guides usage of them.  They can assist us to overcome the ill-effects of sickness, and to cultivate our virtues. We regard them with affection and confidence. 


The guide 

There are those in spirit life whose mission is to assist and guide us in our earthly existence. They are noble personalities of good intent. There is probably much truth in the contention that the guides are attracted to humans where there exists a common bond; that is of the like to like. A spirit doctor or nurse would endeavour to influence one who has the latent gift of healing. Others have a devotional purpose, some a scientific approach, and so it is generally seen that the guide for an individual is one who has a mutuality of interest. 


Most common types of spiritual readings: 



Clairvoyance is received in two ways – objective and intuitive. Let us first consider objective clairvoyance. 

This is when the medium sees a spirit person (or an object) as if they are physically present. That is, the medium will see the presence in just the same way as they see it as a dimensional ordinary person or object. As a rule, the memory of such clairvoyant vision is extremely vivid, and it can be recalled strongly to mind, at any time. Objective clairvoyance is a rare gift and is merged with intuitive clairvoyance. 


Intuitive clairvoyance  

Intuitive vision is the general kind received through clairvoyance. This means that when a medium is in an attuned state, a thought-picture of a person in spirit, or an object, etc., is conveyed through their spirit mind, and so to the consciousness. 



Clairaudience is the hearing of spirit voices. Its effect can be very real, just as if someone’s voice is being aurally heard. 


Trance Address  

This is one of the easier types of mediumships once the guide has entered into the orbit of the medium, and then is able to transmit thought flow to the medium. It also needs the desire on the part of the medium to give trance addresses. Trance speech is simply the giving of form in the shape of words to the thought-flow from spirit. 


Physical mediumship   

This is advanced state of mediumship that many wish to have. It need not be a class of mediumship possessing a high spiritual order. Physical mediumship is rare. Many seek it but few attain it. Development is usually held in a dark circle i.e., no light at all. The reason for this is that manifestations are hampered by ultra-violet light rays. Infra-red rays can be tolerated. 


Automatic writing  

Automatic writing is akin to trance speech., the difference being that the hand is used to transcribe the intuitive thought-flow, instead of speaking it. Do not, however, expect the hand to suddenly proceed to write, as some beginners are told to expect, for this is most unlikely. You will be conscious, within your mind, of the information of the thought that you watch your hand write. 



The theory behind the practice of psychometry is that an object that has been in possession of a person or associated with definite incidents can absorb radiations from its owner, and that sensitive (a clairvoyant) can become aware of these impressions. One theory is that the radiations are of a physical origin that the sensitivity of the medium is able to receive. The second idea is that the radiations are of a spirit character received from the owner’s spirit-self, and these the spirit awareness of the medium is able to receive. The third explanation is that the object acts the means of contact between the medium, the owner of the object, and the owner of the guide, and from these personal attributes and descriptions are given through the faculty of clairvoyance. 


Spiritual Healing 

Spiritual healing is now considered to be, by many, the highest form of mediumship. Perhaps this is because the natural ability of the healer-ship should possess a high quality to differ it from psychic healing. Whereas the development of purely psychic faculties need not possess a spiritual incentive, spiritual healing does. The primary qualities a healer possesses are those of generosity, love, and compassion. The healer cannot be of a mean or selfish kind. The healer needs to possess that deep inner yearning to heal the sick, and to take away distress. 

Spiritual healing is a science, while this is true of all forms of mediumship, healing by the very nature of its accomplishments needs the presence of a guide, or guides, who have a particular knowledge how to direct the correct qualitive remedial forces to master a given ill-condition. 

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